AngelYeah's FAQ

Frequently asked questions regarding my work.

Can I share your work?

Yes! But do NOT under any circumstance remove my name from my work. If you find my stuff posted online WITHOUT my name, It was 100% stolen. Report it or contact me.

Monetizing from my work. Don't do it.

If you see it, report it, flag it, and contact me online via Twitter DM's, Pixiv, or by email. If I can't get paid for what I do, then I can't afford to keep doing it.

Are you taking commissions at this time?

No, I am not - sorry! I can't give you my prices atm as that changes overtime.

What are your don'ts?

I don't do the following:

  • Scat

  • Rape

  • Gore, mutilation, blood

  • Fart (no toot-toot)

  • Toddler/Diaper

  • Depictions of real people

  • Racist crap

Wait, you said you don't do toddler, but you've drawn Loli stuff in the past???

Check out this chart:

What happened to your Patreon?

My account was suspended by Patreon. I am currently transitioning my work to a different platform.

Where can I contact you personally?

You can contact me through Twitter DM's, Pixiv chat. If I don't respond immediately, I probably didn't see it. I usually filter out short messages like "hi". Sorry!